Areas of Law
Personal & Family Law
Personal & Family law principles cover several fields. These include: the naming law, handling under aged children, legal guardianship of a family member, divorce, marital property law, Alimony for the wife/husband or children; child visitation rights; children's residents rights etc.

Divorce is common these days. There are more legal aspects involved than people initially expect. A divorce involves for the marital properties to be divided between the two partners and that the parents are to arrange rules in regards to their children and their maintenance. Partners are required to create a parenting plan to raise their children. I am able to assist you with this as well.

Combined request
Fortunately a divorce does not always involve arguing. Many couples remain on speaking terms with each other and are capable of arranging a divorce together in harmony. In those cases it is our task to guard and guide this process. We prevent one party to be judged by the other party. We show the consequences of arrangements. The combined agreements are arranged by us in a covenant and then it is followed by a request of approval from the judge. The marriage will then be terminated. If it appears that emotions are running high during the hearings and trust is not present, we are required to pull back and advice both parties to proceed with individual lawyers.

Individual request
If parties are not able to confront each other and fear a future combined request, we will assist the single partner. The other partner will be required to get assistance from another office. An individual request does not necessarily mean that there is a dispute. People feel more comfortable and confident with their own lawyer. Both parties are usually able to agree and agreements made will be approved by the judge. If the parties cannot come to terms, the judge will decide. The marriage will then be terminated.

Employment Law
We offer advice to employers and employees and assist with legal procedures regarding all business that may arise between the employee and the employer. For example: work conflicts, disputes regarding competition and changes to employment terms.

Personal injury / wrongful act / victim assistance
If you are the victim of an accident in traffic, at work or otherwise, we can assist you with legal assistance for the material and immaterial damage you have suffered. If the insurer of the other party acknowledges liability, then we can assist you free of charge as an injured party / victim with regard to your claim and, if necessary, in legal proceedings.

Immigration Law

Residency extension

Your residency permit will expire soon; if you wish to stay in the Netherlands for any longer, you will have to send a written request to the IND. There they will assess if you are entitled to stay. You will also have to provide proof that you possess adequate health insurance coverage and that you receive enough income to maintain yourself of your partner.

Objection/ appeal in circumstances
If the IND rejected your request, you have the possibility to make an appeal against the official decision of the IND. We will assist you in this procedure. Usually the IND gives you the right to be heard through an official hearing at one of the local branches before they take a decision. If the decision on the appeal is negative, you can make an appeal in Court.

If an illegal alien is held in custody by the Police, this office is unable to assist you for that as our office is not registered with the immigration-'piket'. If you require a lawyer, we are able to refer you through to another lawyer specialised in this field.

Procedure claim residency permit regarding marriage and relationship

Family reunion
You would like to start living with your partner in the Netherlands. You have been living with your partner overseas for a long time.

Starting a family with partner/wife
You would like to start living with your partner for the first time in the Netherlands. When you commenced into a relationship or married, your partner was already living in the Netherlands and you lived overseas.

If your legal issue has not been listed above, feel free to contact us by telephone from Monday to Thursday between 14:00 and 15:00 on the number 020-6911615. I may be able to point you in the right direction.